The Joy Behind My Tears

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What brings a tear of joy to your eye?

I get thrown a lot of curve balls in my life.  I’ve been through some terrible things and have seen the worst of humanity.  I guess that’s what made me a cynic.  Even with this view, my hardened heart broke when I saw the birth of a child.  When I think back to that it gives me hope in this world that for all the evil in it there are still precious things, wonderful things about this world. 

Another wonderful sight.  I went to my storage unit to put some more things I didn’t readily need.  When I was done I parked on the side of the fence, still in the storage area.  It’s an outside storage facility, fenced in and all the units are in the middle of the fenced in perimeter in nice little rows. I was parked and eating when I noticed some orchids blossoming around the fence.  They were purple in color and their contrast was very bold.  It was beautiful and a reminder of the wonders of this world.

I have cried both painful tears and joyful tears over this world but more joy than pain.  More wonder than astonishment.  More courage than fear.  More beauty than horror.  This world amazes me.  I wish I could show it to you through these tears soaked eyes.

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